Rostec simplifies production of high-precision Krasnopol shell

13.08.2024, Moscow.

The defense enterprise High-Precision Complexes part of the state corporation Rostec) simplified and made the production of the Krasnopol artillery shell more efficient, RIA Novosti wrote on August 13, citing a representative of the manufacturing company.

The correspondent asked the interviewee about the work to simplify and enhance the ammunition’s production technology to increase its mass production.

The representative of High-Precision Complexes responded that “certain measures were already taken, and further work in this direction continues.”

Krasnopol is a guided artillery shell capable of effectively striking enemy armored vehicles. It has high accuracy due to correction by a laser beam reflected from the target and aerodynamic control surfaces that can adjust the flight trajectory.

Earlier, Rostec explained that a single accurate and powerful hit by Krasnopol on an US Abrams tank is enough to disable it.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency