Russian Foreign Ministry: Call to Pentagon prevented assassination attempt on Putin and Belousov

06.08.2024, Moscow.

The Kiev regime planned an assassination attempt on Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov during their stay in St. Petersburg on August 6, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov said on the Russia One TV channel.

According to the diplomat, the terrorist attack was prevented thanks to a call from Belousov to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who took the information seriously. Ryabkov noted that the message conveyed by the Russian side to Washington and other US-backed capitals had achieved its goal. He explained that certain indications suggested that the information was taken seriously there.

The New York Times wrote on July 27 that Belousov, in a conversation with Austin, spoke about a “covert operation” that Kiev was preparing against Russia with the approval of the US. According to the Russian Defense Minister, US officials were surprised by these accusations but took them quite seriously despite denying any conspiracy.

On July 28, Vladimir Putin participated in the Main Naval Parade in honor of Navy Day, held on the Neva and Senate Square in St. Petersburg. Ships of the Russian fleet and the navies of friendly countries attended the event. According to the Russian Defense Minister, up to 200 ships and vessels of various classes took part in the maritime parade in 2024.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency