Kurginyan: Russia has to be vigilant even with North Korea

01.08.2024, Moscow.

We have to be on alert and cautious in building our partnership with countries that avoid conflicting with Russia, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and the leader of Experimental Creative Center Sergey Kurginyan said on July 6 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

He reminded about the relations of the Soviet Union with the People’s Republic of China, when there was a song “the Russian and the Chinese are brothers forever” and about how quickly it transformed into something else, up to a conflict of China with Vietnam that was fraternal to the USSR.

At the same time, the current relations between Vietnam, the PRC, and the USA are very different from the situation of 1978. Meanwhile, Russia uses the rhetoric of that period in its dialogue with China and Vietnam.

Vietnam is strongly interested in a dialogue with the USA, whom they, I am absolutely sure, hate to death deep inside,” Kurginyan said. “But they hide all that behind their classical Asian smile and their desire to receive investments as a sort of an alternative to China,” he noted.

In North Korea, it is somewhat simpler, but still not as cloudless as it may seem,” the political scientist warned. “They have their own objectives, their interest, their game,” Kurginyan stressed.

He also reminded that the Iranian president’s death has made the situation in Iran much more complicated. Taking all this into account, the political scientist believes, it is very important for Russia to decide what stance it will take with its partners in Eurasia “after the world has become different.”

Where is the line at which we want our friendship with fraternal China, I am saying this without any irony, to affect the balance of interests in Eurasia?” Kurginyan asked. “How far will the harmonization of relations between Turkey and Iran go, which are fundamentally hard to harmonize?” he added.

These are the issues that make it difficult to reach harmony on the Eurasian continent, which Russia wants to reach so much, the political scientist believes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency