Political scientist: Europe will become a scapegoat for the US

01.08.2024, Rostov-on-Don.

European countries will become scapegoats to divert attention away from the US involvement in the conflicts in the Middle East, political scientist Rafael Ordukhanyan said in a commentary to Rossa Primavera News Agency‘s correspondent on July 31.

“We have, as they say, scapegoats in the form of Eastern and Western European countries,” the political scientist emphasized. “The UK special forces and army units of the UK Navy are working against the Houthis. Now Danish, Dutch, and German warships are speeding there,” he noted.

“So here it will be again, let’s say, a terrorist action under the NATO flag,” Ordukhanyan shared his opinion. “This will again take attention away from the USA.”

“Again, the blood of other people, other nations will be used to solve internal problems in NATO countries and the United States of America, both pre-election and those related to the purely internal economic situation,” the expert concluded, recalling that any war generates new orders for the military-industrial complex.

On July 30, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the United States asked their citizens to urgently leave Lebanon amid fears of a large-scale Israeli military response to the rocket fire on the Golan Heights. At the same time, The National reported that US officials told Lebanon’s leaders that an Israeli military operation was inevitable.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency