Kurginyan explains why it is difficult for the US to win Vietnam over to its side

31.07.2024, Moscow.

The US is trying to use the rapidly developing Vietnam against China, but Vietnam does not want to quarrel with China, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on June 29 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio station.

There have never been unambiguous relations between China and North Vietnam, which later became communist Vietnam, noted the political scientist. He recalled that Khrushchev has spoiled relations with China by demanding that the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party join in de-Stalinization and expose Stalin’s “personality cult.” China categorically refused, relations between the USSR and the PRC deteriorated, and the US took advantage of this.

“Nixon and Kissinger essentially made China the third side: the US, being the first, – together with China – against the Soviet Union, being the second. Vietnam was allied with us,” Kurginyan described the situation.

At that time, the Chinese carried out certain “military advances” towards Vietnam. “These advances were paralyzed by the Vietnamese army, because they had already been fighting for 40 years. They had already defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu (the decisive battle of the First Indochina War in the spring of 1954 – editorial note), then they defeated the US. These people have become incredibly resilient after being involved in fighting for two generations,” the political scientist explained.

Kurginyan described his travel to Vietnam. “We visited children’s centers for the victims of all this napalm, and Agent Orange [a very harmful chemical, a mixture of defoliants and herbicides which the US used in the Second Indochina War to destroy the tropical forests of Vietnam – Rossa Primavera News Agency] and so on. Disfigured children created works of art there. I still have paintings of these children hanging at home,” he noted.

We realize that you cannot escape the signs of this US aggression and this horror that was committed. But these traces have been erased! They have been erased by Obamas visit, by those US representatives who are kissing up to Vietnam because they want a confrontation between Vietnam and China,” said Kurginyan.

According to the expert, Vietnam is adhering to a strategy of minimizing the number of enemies. “As the great Ho Chi Minh always said, the fewer enemies, the better,” he noted.

The number one investor in Vietnam, if my memory serves me right, is the US; the second biggest investor is China — we take from everyone,” the political scientist described the economic strategy of the Vietnamese leadership.

All conflicts between China and Vietnam over islands and other things, according to Kurginyan, are smoothed out by continuous diplomatic negotiations. “Vietnam does not want to quarrel with China, and at the same time Vietnam understands exactly how it wants to use the US. There is always a memory of this Agent Orange and everything else inside the Asian soul, but it can be erased very easily,” he noted.

Kurginyan pointed to the fact that Vietnam is a large country; it is developing semiconductor and various other technologies. This is how it stands out significantly compared to other global trends.

Southeast Asia is becoming the only place with classical Western style modernization, a real full-fledged modernity that is growing. This is a developing corner of the world. Not Europe, not the US, but China and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and North Korea, are expanding parts of the world (rapidly thriving Asia, very conditionally speaking, of a quasi-Confucian, Asian-disciplined type),” the political scientist concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency