Kurginyan: Western populace is made to live in “fear” of, first – COVID-19, now – Putin

18.08.2024, Moscow.

In the West, manipulation of public opinion is built around fear and savior figure, and that’s the main method used by the European elites, said political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on June 14 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio station.

A number of enterprises that showed the most significant gains in the value of their socks are linked to Pfizer and work in biotechnological and biopharmaceutical sectors of the economy, Kurginyan stressed the fact. According to him, during the total hysteria in mass media and manipulations centered around the idea that Pfizer will save everyone from the plague called coronavirus, the stock prices of these enterprises grew steeply. Now, stock prices among companies in military-industrial sector are growing in the same way.

Now, lets take a look at the growing stock prices of Rheinmetall and other companies which should save the Western populace from Buryats, Bashkirs and God knows who else, led by Putin, if they decide to come to Paris and perhaps even Lisbon, and start tear apart everything thats alive,” said the political scientist.

According to Kurginyan, advertising campaigns promoting Pfizer and other “big pharma” enterprises as savior figure are structured exactly the same as the promotion campaign for Rheinmetall, and the companies are seeing a sharp rise in stock prices.

This means that political technology that has been selected is focusing on: trouble, fear, savior figure from these horrors, and the price to pay for all that – tough austerity measures. For a while, the European voter was constantly being told to vote for us and you will live better.Notice that now there is not a single word about it. There has been a tectonic change in the messages themselves: it will be worse, but we will save you,” Kurginyan said.

This is the main manipulation performed by the modern European elites in relation to society, and it is absolutely successful.

Just the nature of horror and the savior figure have changed. And the main task is to make your ordinary worker or any small owner in general to be in distress, so that no one promises them that it will get better: as long as the Buryats wont come, the Bashkirs wont come, Putin wont come, they wont devour you, and as for everything else – it does not matter,” explained Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency