Russian Defense Minister assesses the situation on the front line in Ukraine

21.06.2024, Moscow.

The initiative along the entire contact line in Ukraine is on the side of Russian troops, Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov said on June 21 at a meeting with graduates of higher military schools.

“We have the initiative on the entire front line, consistently reducing the enemy’s combat potential,” the defense minister said. He noted that this is the merit of the military of the Russian Armed Forces, who courageously and honorably perform their duty.

Belousov emphasized that the commanders and superiors of all levels must be as focused and dedicated as possible. He noted that now the troops need knowledge, speed, integrity and courage in decision-making.

“The Russian people can have no doubt that the Russian Armed Forces will be able to ensure state sovereignty, protect peaceful life, and create conditions for further prosperity of the country,” the defense minister stressed.

Belousov was appointed Russian Defense Minister on May 12, 2024. Before that, he held the post of First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency