Orban assures that NATO military mission to Ukraine will take place without Hungary

21.06.2024, Budapest.

Hungary will not participate in the NATO military mission in Ukraine, the country’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on June 21 on the air of Radio Kossuth.

“NATO will have a military mission in Ukraine, but Hungary will not take part in it,” Orban said. He noted that Hungary would not provide financial and technical support for the mission, nor would it send its military.

Orban emphasized that neither NATO nor Brussels will be able to drag Hungary into the Ukrainian conflict.

“No one from NATO will put any pressure on Hungary to enter the Ukrainian conflict. Now those in Brussels are trying to drag us into the war, but we will win this battle too,” the Hungarian leader pointed out.

On June 12, 2024, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Hungarian President Orban said at a joint press conference in Budapest that it had been agreed that Hungary would not participate in NATO’s assistance to Ukraine, but would also not interfere with the alliance’s decisions in this direction at the July 2024 summit.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency