Mitsotakis: Greece will not go for EU budget revision for Ukraine’s sake

27.10.2023, Brussels.

Greece will not go for an EU budget revision if it includes only funds for the Kiev regime and nothing else, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told reporters on October 27 after the European Council summit in Brussels.

“Europe comes and says that in addition to €50 billion that we all want and agree to give to Ukraine, we need additional resources for migration, for the support of neighboring countries with which we cooperate to reduce migration flows,” the prime minister said.

According to him, the resources of the Solidarity Fund should be directed to the states that are at risk of being affected by natural disasters. Funds for the STEP development tool, as well as resources to compensate for the increased cost of loans, are also required.

Mitsotakis emphasized that there are states that are not willing to discuss the budget expansion, but are ready to consider the expansion of European support.

“I have made Greece’s position absolutely clear: Greece is not going to agree to a solution that includes only Ukraine and nothing else,” the minister concluded.

Earlier, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said that if the EU wanted, the conflict in Ukraine could be ended.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency