Kurginyan: A crime of fantastic proportions was committed in October 1993

08.10.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

Political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan described the essence of events that took place in October 1993 in Moscow in a new issue of his original program Destiny on October 3.

Exactly thirty years ago, a crime of fantastic proportions was committed against something that can be described as the future of Russian destiny. This fate was shattered, overturned, tarnished, etc. Then, in 1993, the main Russian authority at that time, a lawfully elected, absolutely democratic government was under illegal attack when tanks were firing at it.

Imagine that in the name of democracy shots are fired at the parliament in the UK, for example, or France, or the US, suggested Kurginyan.

“The tanks would just roll up and strike at it, and later they will report that this is the triumph of democracy. Can you imagine this? But that’s what happened!” – noted the political scientist.

According to the political scientist, Pinochet acted this way, but then he did not cry about democracy.

“He began to slaughter huge groups of the population,” Kurginyan reminded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency