Kurginyan: Azerbaijan will work to undermine Iran

08.10.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

The established Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance is sharpened against Iran, and Azerbaijan has a special role to play in this issue, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said in the article “Karabakh Bell” in the Essence of Time newspaper No. 553 September 27.

Kurginyan noted that Azerbaijan is not just getting closer to Turkey, but is clearly becoming a part of it. At the same time, no one is withdrawing Turkey from NATO. According to the political analyst, this means that the Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance is already sharpened against Iran.

The Essence of Time leader emphasized that in the future the Turkey-Azerbaijan alliance will only strengthen its work against Iran.

Azerbaijan has a special role to play here. It must blow up Iran from within with a particularly powerful geopolitical mine called South Azerbaijan,” Kurginyan said.

He added that being part of Turkey, and thus NATO, Azerbaijan will definitely do it.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency