02.10.2023, Sevastopol.
Russia has become a symbol of traditionalism for African countries. Ammar Kanakh, director of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Center for Strategic Research and Socio-Political Forecasting”, stated this during his speech at the seminar “Unboring Science” at the Ukraina cinema in Sevastopol on 28 September, Rossa Primavera News Agency informed.
The expert drew attention to the fact that China works much more than Russia with the countries of Africa, where military coups against pro-Western governments took place.
At the same time, he pointed out that it was Russian flags that were raised during anti-government protests in these countries.
“Did we have such powerful political and economic resources in those regions [as China had]? Well, we didn’t!” Kanakh stated.
The expert notes that most people know little about Putin, but support him and Russia as a country that is fighting the modern Western world.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency