Olympia: Conference on secession of Circassia from Russia held in Turkey

18.08.2023, Istanbul.

Turkey’s Istanbul district administration and the United Circassian Council held a conference on “independent Circassia,” the Greek publication Olympia reported on August 16.

The Greek news platform calls the conference “an unthinkable provocation of Turkey against Russia” and writes that it may negatively affect the partnership between Ankara and Moscow.

Olympia points out that a conference on “independent Circassia” was held in Istanbul on August 5, organized by the administration of Istanbul’s Uskudar district, which is governed by the AK Parti party of Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan.

The Greeks write that Erdogan’s party is popular among a large part of Turkey’s Circassian population, especially in areas such as Sakariya, Düzce and Kayseri, where Circassian communities live.

The conference was organized by the United Circassian Council, which states that the organization’s “ultimate goal is to create an independent Circassia” in the Circassian homeland in regions that are now part of the Russian Federation.

The “Provisional National Assembly of Southern Azerbaijan”, which claims that Southern Azerbaijan is now under the temporary occupation of Iran and plans to annex it to the rest of Azerbaijan, was also sheltered in Turkey. The Turkish news channel TRT Haber wrote about this earlier.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency