Kurginyan tells what Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill had in common

12.11.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Humanism became the common basis that shared by the leader of the USSR Joseph Stalin, the 32nd US President Franklin Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill when they faced the Nazi threat, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on October 18 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.

Roosevelt was a very deep humanist, and he saw some claims for a new kind of humanism… in the Soviet Union. And Churchill… followed a sort of a conservative, old-fashioned, good old bourgeois humanism – indeed, he was not an anti-humanist. And this is what was common for Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin facing the Nazi threat,” Kurginyan says.

He noted that today “some far-traditionalist (as they claim themselves) circles say that ‘humanism is from the devil.’” This is wrong; humanism has existed all through the ages as an extremely complicated phenomenon, Kurginyan stresses.

Trends towards denying the meaning of Man as well as towards raising this meaning have always existed. It was always said that Man is nothing (as quintessence of dust, as Hamlet said) and that Man is ‘the crown of creation.’ <…> There is Christian humanism and there is Christian anti-humanism; there is Islamic humanism and there is Islamic anti-humanism; Buddhist, etc. This exists all over the world,” the analyst said.

Kurginyan noted that human society always finds that anti-humanist trends ultimately turn out to be anti-historical.

These trends are gnostic, related to the ‘multi-storey humanity,’ with the idea that people are different, that there are almost non-humans (physics), semi-humans (psychics), and actual spiritual humans (pneumatics). This is exactly what Hitler adopted, although he was not the inventor. All these are ancient things, and they always exist in the basis of the fundamental inequality and the will for building a world based on this inequality. This is what the anti-humanistic trend is,” Sergey Kurginyan notes.

The leader of the Essence of Time movement stressed that when in “the classical historical world” that we are talking about any major leaders in the West attempt to establish “strong, responsible, interesting relations with Russia, whatever its current incarnation is, these attempts are interrupted.”

All the tandem incidents like the assassination of Roosevelt – the death of Stalin, the assassination of Kennedy – the resignation of Khrushchev etc. “have a very deep background,” Sergey Kurginyan noted.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency