Kurginyan: The British elites’ primary goal now is to destroy humanism

18.10.2024, Moscow.

The primary goal of the ultimately concealed British elite is to destroy humanism, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on September 20 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The political scientist stressed that there is nothing “more ambiguous and more reluctant to reveal itself in the world” than the British elite.

This is a very closed system, which will speak about anything with a smile. A member of the ruling family will visit Transylvania to purchase an estate there claiming that he is a descendant of Dracula himself, and he will grow some apple trees there. All this will be apparently open, but it will always remain closed inside,” Kurginyan noted.

According to the philosopher, Britain’s key unique peculiarity and its strategic advantage is that it was the British soil that produced a symbiosis of feudalism and capitalism.

No country but England created such a symbiosis,” Kurginyan stressed. The roots of this actor go from England to the Netherlands and further to Venice, and even deeper, the philosopher indicated.

I am positive that all this symbiosis will eventually wander from one place to another, but its ultimate goal is to ruin all the constants of the complex and not quite perfectly understood, even by our religious figures, phenomenon called humanism,” Kurginyan stressed.

The philosopher explained that “in fact, humanism is not a phenomenon from the Renaissance, when classical antiquity began to return to people’s life avoiding early Christian demonization, this is not a way to counterpose Man to the God, it is a much more serious thing.”

(Humanism) is glorification of Man, a belief in his re-existence, i.e. in his ability to be renewed, transformed, and a belief in him per se,” Kurginyan explained.

In Christianity, this idea is expressed “in the kind of Christianity where the God is triune, and where the Supreme Creator of the Universe has a Consubstantial Son, who at the same time was incarnated as a human,” the philosopher noted.

How high Man has to be raised for such a mystery! This mystery faces hatred among too many. This is a mystery of certain hopes associated with Man, and of the idea that mankind cannot be divided,” the leader of Essence of Time concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency