Kurginyan: British elite has created a unique method for conquering the world 

16.10.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

A unique symbiosis of capitalism and feudalism took place in Britain where the English financial-elite and the aristocracy were able to create a unique means for conquering the world, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on September 20 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio station. 

Kurginyan pointed to the fact that in England, the bourgeois society had been formed in a peculiar context, noting that London was able to become the center for the “nomadic banking and financial oligarchy” when financial companies moved from Venice to the Netherlands, and, later, William of Orange brought them to England. 

It was in England where the first revolution, later described as a bourgeois revolution, took place, the political scientist recalled. And this revolution “actually opened certain floodgates for this nomadic influence and created a unique symbiosis, so to speak, of feudalism and capitalism.”  

Such a symbiosis became possible only in England, and nowhere else in the world, Kurginyan noted.  

“It was the British aristocracy that said, spitting through the clenched teeth in frustration: fine, we will become bourgeois, we will also be the financial aristocracy, we will do the same thing, we will rob, and we will associate ourselves with rich people, whom we will call gentlemen, we will make them baronets, peers and all the rest. We will remember perfectly well who they are, we will always keep it somewhere in the back of our minds, and we will bond with them to the end,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement explained.

There is no contradiction between feudalism and capitalism in this unique symbiosis, instead – there is a bond between the financial-elite and the aristocracy, which turns into the financial aristocracy, Kurginyan emphasized. And this aristocracy, was able to create the means for conquering the world. 

“Great Britain created this unique symbiosis. It created this unique financial aristocracy: all these Barings, East India Companies and everything else. They assembled the unique means for conquering the world, they were the first to make it serve only the financial interests, purely for financial gain, and not to any special Catholic faith interests or something else,” the expert noted. 

The British financial aristocracy did everything to eliminate competitors by creating any conceivable coalitions possible, while pitting France and Spain against each other, added the political scientist. And it showed an incredible skill” in creating intelligence services, which basically had Venetian, and pre-Venetian roots. 

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency