Kurginyan explains the purpose behind catastrophe that killed Raisi

11.10.2024, Moscow.

The incident that led to the death of former Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash was not accidental. It was necessary to bring a “relatively pro-Western leader” to the forefront, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan stated on the Right to Know program on TVC on September 21.

The political scientist believes that there are “too many suspicions things” in Raisi’s death for it to be merely a tragic coincidence.

“The previous president of Iran faced certain unpleasant events that were not accidental. This is my personal opinion, but I have very serious grounds for expressing it. Too many suspicions things, and so on. It was necessary for a relatively pro-Western leader to come forward. In Iran, everything pro-Western is very relatively pro-Western, speaking roughly. But he was needed, and he came up,” Kurginyan explained.

He described the internal balance of power in today’s Iran as a “complex issue” – who exactly and on what grounds is planning to negotiate on the “main event of Iranian life – the change of the supreme spiritual leader—and how the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Rossa Primavera News Agency] will behave in relation to this.”

“The state is developing. Always and under all circumstances, it has said that it will develop at maximum speed. It doesn’t care with whom it has to negotiate to ensure this development. It does not care whether it would be the US elites or someone else. All these games, ‘Hezbollah,’ and so on exist for Iran to bargain something for itself in this proxy situation,” Kurginyan believes.

The analyst emphasizes that the current influential Iranian elite largely consists of people who experienced the Iran-Iraq War and are least inclined to repeat anything of that sort. “The Iranian elite does not want to wage a war. This does not mean they cannot. They do not want to. They actively do not want to,” he says.

“Iran is waiting. It is waiting for a simple thing. It will get some consolation prize for showing peacefulness or it will not. If it gets it then fine. It will quiet down. Besides, it is tensely waiting to see how everything [with the presidential elections] will end in the USA. Because it perfectly understands which side Trump will be inclined to take on the Iranian issue,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

According to Kurginyan, the ruling Iranian circles understand that any actions by the US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that “will lead to ‘overcoming’ the Democratic team capable of building dialogue with Iran – will bring anti-Iranian forces to power in the USA.” This is something that Iran “does not need at all.”

“Therefore, any of its [Iran’s] actions now, during this pre-election period [in the USA], can be analyzed from this point of view. Therefore, it seems to me that [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu – and he has said this – needs only one thing – Trump. Thats how much he needs him,” Kurginyan concludes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency