Kurginyan: Christianity is being targeted for cancellation because it destroyed slavery

04.10.2024, Moscow.

The spreading of the ideas of Christianity in fact destroyed slavery; therefore, those who want to restore inequality are trying to cancel this religion, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 21 on the program Objectively on Belarusian channel ONT.

After people were convinced that a slave is a human who has a soul, too, and no one knows what will happen in the afterlife, slavery collapsed. Slavery was based on the idea that a slave was a thing having no soul,” he said.

The followers of the gnostic tradition, which has insisted over decades that not everyone has a soul, want to cancel the Christian values that declare freedom and unity of mankind. They already say that humanity is now at a dead end, Sergey Kurginyan noted.

Speculations are ongoing that humanity is approaching a dead end, that we are in a situation similar to the period between the Paleolithic age and the Neolithic Age, and that tragedies greater than even a major war are coming,” the philosopher said.

Sergey Kurginyan also indicated the increasing number of statements that the thermonuclear weapons will soon be made “clear” and that a new kind of weapons will soon be invented. Statements having an anti-Christian and anti-humanistic basis can be heard increasingly often.

The war against Christianity targets not simply the Christian religion but the contribution of Christianity in the world, including its influence on other religions. Humanity “on the whole in this sense is Christianized, i.e. humanized,” the political scientist explained.

According to Sergey Kurginyan, the violence against Christian figures at the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris was a manifestation of this war, in which President of France Emmanuel Macron is “manipulated as a puppet.” Certain actors are sending a message that humanism, and thus history, are over.

The expert also reminded about the Grand Inquisitor’s monologue in Ivan Karamazov’s story from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov. In that story, when Jesus Christ, who descended to the Earth, was brought for interrogation to the leader of the Order, the Grand Inquisitor tells him, “For a long time we have been not with you, but with him (the Antichrist – editor’s note).”

He stressed that the war against humanism is becoming very powerful. And it cannot be waged without relying on anti-humanistic darkness and appropriate metaphysics.

This dehumanization cannot avoid eventually becoming an address to the ultimate forms of darkness, a metaphysical address to it,” Sergey Kurginyan noted.

Analytics cannot lack not only rational factors related to unevenness of development and global turbulence but also the metaphysical factor of “thickening darkness.” Humanity will not be able to face this challenge if it is too relaxed, the political scientist explained.

It [humanity] will either wake up and get rid of this delusion of relaxation or face something that will cancel many allegedly natural achievements of humanity. This is what [these] Olympics are. This is a minor sign of this major thing, of this big trouble,” the philosopher stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency