Western politicians admit supplying Kiev regime with weapons “for disposal”

28.09.2024, Moscow.

Western politicians acknowledged the insufficient quantity and low quality of weapons and ammunition supplied to Ukraine, RIA Novosti wrote on September 29.

British Under-Secretary of State of Defense Ministry Luke Pollard stated that London depleted its own stocks due to military supplies to Kiev. According to him, most Western countries provided most of their available resources. He also warned that without replenishing the ammunition deficit, the UK’s own security would be at risk.

The UK’s Defense Ministry admitted that some of the supplied items were meant for disposal, allowing London to fulfill allied obligations and save on disposal costs.

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell admitted that the EU overestimated its ability to supply ammunition to Ukraine. Brussels had promised to deliver one million 155mm shells to Ukraine by March 2024, but by the end of August, only 700,000 shells had been delivered. Borrell stated that the EU countries are far from replenishing their armies’ stocks and far from providing Ukraine with all the necessary assistance. He also added that the EU had a very serious technological lag, which in the geopolitical context becomes threatening.

Kiev also criticized the quality of the artillery shells supplied to Ukraine. Shells from the US and the Czech Republic often explode when exiting the gun barrel. “During the combat use of the aforementioned shells, there were numerous explosions at distances of 20 to 60 meters from the barrel, resulting in personnel injuries and damage to artillery systems,” stated a letter from Kiev authorities to the Czech government.

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová acknowledged the problems with the quality of the shells. “We acquire old ammunition, which may be unfit for use,” she said, emphasizing that this should not undermine trust in the Czech program, which aims to deliver 500,000 shells to Kiev by the end of 2024.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency