Kurginyan warns against narrowmindedness towards the UK

28.09.2024, Moscow.

Contemporary UK is a remnant of its once-great empire, rife with internal conflicts that require a broader perspective to understand, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on September 6 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

The political analyst noted that the contemporary UK is no longer the country it used to be.

“The empire of Queen Victoria, on which the sun never sets and which rules the world without much effort, no longer exists. What remains is a remnant rife with internal conflicts. One sees half-wits trying to manage these conflicts,” Essence of Time’s leader said.

Kurginyan pointed to factors affecting contemporary UK, such as the dominance of Islam, separatist tendencies, and a political crisis (“a mess in both the Labour and Conservative parties”).

He also pointed to the weakening of the UK’s defense industry, which has resulted in the country being unable to create the fleet it needs, as well as issues with army enlistment.

“All this indicates that the remnant is also deteriorating while life continues within it,” the political scientist emphasized.

In this context, Kurginyan quoted Vladimir Lenin, Either the lice will defeat socialism or socialism will defeat the lice.”

“Likewise, either these processes occurring within the remnant will destroy it, or the remnant will destroy the processes. We do not know what will happen; we are at this crossroads. I believe it is crucial to scrutinize everything happening within this strategy but to do so, we must abandon a narrow perspective,” the philosopher concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency