Russian Foreign Ministry: Ukrainian militants set up concentration camps for civilians in Kursk Region

20.09.2024, Saint-Petersburg.

Ukrainian militants have set up concentration camps in the Kursk region for civilians; facts of shootings and cruel treatment of Russian civilians have also been recorded. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in her speech at the IV Eurasian Women’s Forum on September 20.

According to her, law enforcement agencies are receiving information about cases of forced removal by Ukrainian militants of Kursk region residents, who did not have time to evacuate.

This, I remind you, by the way, is a typical practice of the German fascist occupiers. Do you remember how they kidnapped Soviet people, citizens of the Soviet Union, into captivity, into slavery?” – Zakharova noted.

In addition, the headquarters of the Russian Red Cross in Kursk records numerous testimonies about the creation of concentration camps by Ukrainian soldiers.

In fact, there is simply direct data, evidence of the creation by Ukrainian fighters in the Russian border region of a kind of concentration camps, where they put at gunpoint local residents who for various reasons were unable to leave unsafe areas,” the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman added.

There are also cases of shootings and cruel treatment of civilians in Kursk Region by Ukrainian militants. Zakharova said that all this information is being processed and documented.

She emphasized that all these crimes are committed under Nazi and fascist symbols.

The number of facts of use by the Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region of Nazi symbols and inscriptions, which are found on helmets, on daggers, on the patches of fighters who escaped from the battlefield killed or captured, on military equipment is increasing,” – drew the attention of Zakharova.

On September 17, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation received information about the atrocities of foreign mercenaries in Kursk region. According to the evacuated woman, during the attack on the Kursk region in the Ukrainian militants were, among others, Georgians and Poles, who threw grenades into basements, “throats were slit, and heads were cut.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency