Kurginyan: Moldavia’s integration into the Western civilization means its liquidation

20.09.2024, Moscow.

Moldavia’s integration into the Western civilization means its immediate liquidation, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 23 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

Sergey Kurginyan believes that a confrontation between the collective West and Russia may start in Moldavia. Everything has been prepared for this clash.

In July, the government of Moldavia adopted a new concept that flies in the face of its Constitution. In fact, it says that Russia is the primary enemy and ‘primary threat’ while the key allies are the EU and NATO,” the philosopher explained.

The political scientist believes that “for Moldavia, any integration into the Western civilization means the country’s immediate liquidation.”

Moldavia’s specifics are really significant; Moldavia is not Romania, and the relations between Moldavia and Romania have based themselves on contrast against Romania over a very long period of time. It is West and East. As soon as an integration into the Western civilization begins, who needs Moldavia when there is Romania? Therefore, Moldavia will be romanianized, totally,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

According to the political scientist, the West’s dream is to incorporate Moldavia into Romania, and this is exactly where everything is going.

According to its current Constitution, Moldavia is a neutral country, but since 1994 it cooperates with NATO within an individual partnership plan. And on June 17, 2024 the Moldavian government approved a new defense strategy in which Russia is called the main enemy while the EU and NATO are called the key allies of the republic. Also, the document mentions current risks from Ukraine and Transdniestria.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency