Kurginyan describes the zugzwang that Israel and the USA find themselves in

20.09.2024, Moscow.

Israel is in a zugzwang, and in order to get out of it, it has to look at what is happening from a global strategic point of view, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 21 on the program Objectively on Belarusian channel ONT.

Over the decades that have passed after the Jewish state was founded, the Israeli society has changed very much; it has become much less ascetic and much more consumerist. Israel does not fight for its existence the way it did before, and it loses against the HAMAS movement although it is stronger. Replacing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with another politician would not help, Kurginyan believes. A new Israel is necessary, which would be inspired with the same ideas and spirit as the founders of this state were in the 20th century, but this is impossible. That Israel was leftist, communist, and its society was highly ascetic.

This brings a zugzwang, in which any move, peaceful or military, will only exacerbate the situation, but the military one will stagnate it at least, while the peaceful one will collapse it,” Kurginyan said. The political scientist explained that in case of a peaceful resolution HAMAS will get access to all the state structures of the Palestinian state, and it will become more difficult to fight against it.

In order to resolve this situation, Israel has to, firstly, realize that the USA does not need Israel anymore after the collapse of the USSR. And secondly, it has to improve its relations with Iran.

Iran does not want to die in a nuclear war. There are plenty of people in Iran who suffered from the horror of the Iran-Iraq conflict in their younger days and they do not want another war like that, Kurginyan noted.

They want to strengthen their state and to find a way to perform transformations that would be fine for the population and at the same time keep the Islamic Republic with its Qom and its religious and theocratic module,” the political scientist said.

Iran is being pushed towards a war, and it looks like everything is arranged around this, like someone in Israel decided that Iran is an existential problem, that it can only seek to destroy Israel, that it is the main enemy, and something must be done with it. This is a deep strategic idiocy,” he added.

Israel, according to Kurginyan, in its current situation should get to the other bank of the Jordan River, look at itself and at the current events from a global strategic point of view, and avoid any tactical steps towards the military approach, but rather find a strategic alternative to the powerful trends that will ruin the country unless such an alternative is found.

The political scientist noted that the USA is in a similar zugzwang. It cannot surrender to China, but it has nothing to oppose the economically developing country with.

It becomes increasingly softened inside, while it needs a degree of mobilization it cannot achieve within its current political system. Everywhere, there is inconsistency between the level of historical tension and the condition of states and systems that have to respond to this tension, and which are dramatically unprepared for this,” Kurginyan said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency