Kurginyan: Migrants from Latin America will become gravediggers for the USA 

06.09.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Migration from Latin America to the USA is becoming a strategic factor for US society, which creates its own gravedigger in the form of this migration, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on August 9 on the Conversation with the Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel. 

“This is just like in classic Marxism: imperialism creates its own gravedigger in the form of migration. These migrants arrive there, and they do not complain, they do not talk about how US elite oppresses Latin Americans. They want to become US citizens!” the political scientist explained. 

He emphasized that migrants are joining the military and intelligence services, and new migrants will soon establish connections with the older immigrant communities, which are more deeply rooted in US society. 

“They establish connections with Italians very well, particularly through Catholicism and everything related to it. And in the CIA, it’s not the Protestants who are in charge. Georgetown University – to be precise – is run by Jesuits,” Kurginyan explained. 

According to the political scientist, over time, migrants become worthy representatives of US imperialism, and they will replace the declining white Anglo-Saxon majority while being in very complex relationships with the Black or Muslim parts of the USA, as they are mostly Christians. 

“This is a new demographic process that immediately turns into politics, into the Great Game. The half-dead Anglo-Saxon part, which is constantly weakening and decaying, sliding into postmodernism or who knows what, what will it do with this? And what about the drug cartels and everything else?” the Essence of Time’s leader posed thesea questions. 

In Kurginyan’s view, within this process, there is life, and it is quite vivid. 

“And it’s a life predominantly oriented toward Christianity. It’s boiling, torn apart by monstrous problems, rising from a dreadful colonial bottom, internally hating these ‘gringos,’ yet still moving there [to the USA], and gradually isolating itself, it starts to engage itself not only in illegal migration and drug trafficking,” Sergey Kurginyan explained. 

Migrants are joining the army because white people don’t want to, and it’s extremely difficult to combine perversions with the military service, the political scientist noted. 

According to Kurginyan, completely new constants emerge within this process, revealing themselves gradually, “The US elite will sooner or later adopt a plan in which they should unite with Canadians, Mexicans, and move south, taking over the entire continent while leaving the rest of the world relatively alone. This will be the new Atlantis, but moving forward with this past won’t be easy.” 

The philosopher pointed out that Latin America witnesses processes, oriented toward historical development, within which “quite attractive leftist ideas” exist. 

“And all of this, of course, represents a significant chapter in what is called the real Great Game,” Kurginyan concluded. 

 Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency