Malaysia intends to join BRICS

05.09.2024, Vladivostok.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed the country’s intention to join BRICS  on September 5 at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF).

“Malaysia intends to join BRICS, and by doing so, we aim to diversify our economic diplomacy efforts and strengthen cooperation with member countries,” Anwar Ibrahim said.

The politician said joining BRICS will enable his country to strengthen relations and develop mutually beneficial trade ties with Russia and other countries, not just the US and European nations.

“BRICS ties among the global South will allow us to exert influence, to ensure that there are fair trade practices, that the international financial infrastructure is not monopolized by one country or region. And, in fact, this will be beneficial not only to Malaysia but also to the global South and, of course, the whole world,” Anwar Ibrahim emphasized.

The Eastern Economic Forum will be held on September 3-6 on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency