Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: The US knows very well where the red lines are drawn

04.09.2024, Moscow.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned against jokes about red lines in a comment to journalist Pavel Zarubin posted on his official Telegram channel on September 4.

This is how the minister commented on media reports that the USA plans to supply Ukraine with cruise missiles for F-16 fighter jets.

Lavrov also assessed the behavior of the US authorities, saying that he would not be surprised by anything anymore. In his opinion, the US authorities have “overstepped” the threshold that they had previously outlined for themselves.

They are being teased, and Zelensky, of course, sees this and takes advantage of it. Who jokes about our red lines, don’t joke about our red lines. They know very well where they are,” the minister said.

He is also convinced that the obsession of power circles in the US with the struggle for power, with showing who is “tougher” – Republicans or Democrats, will lead to further escalation.

I am convinced that there are reasonable people there who have a certain influence. I hope that the interests of the United States will be taken into account,” Lavrov emphasized.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency