NATO instructors hit by missile strike on institute in Poltava

04.09.2024, Vladivostok.

The military institute in Poltava, which was the target of a missile strike by Russian forces, was used to train mobilized Ukrainians under the guidance of foreign instructors, Kherson Region Governor Vladimir Saldo said during the Eastern Economic Forum (Vladivostok, Russia), RIA Novosti reported on 4 September.

Saldo claims that at the institute mercenaries from NATO countries have been training Ukrainian mobilized people, who are recruited straight from the streets.

There are NATO instructors there who are still training mobilized Ukrainians who are caught on the streets and sent to training centers,” the Kherson regional head said.

He stressed that such training centers are a necessity for the exploitation of the territory and the carrying out of modern military operations.

One of such spots the other day was subjected to an effective strike by our servicemen. These are such bases, training centers, training grounds, where they train the skills of modern warfare,” – said Saldo.

It is noted that as a result of the strike on the Institute of Communications in Poltava, where specialists in the field of radar and electronic warfare were trained, there were significant losses among servicemen: dozens were killed and hundreds were wounded. These data were confirmed by representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency