Turkish communists demand that the US warship leave the port of Izmir

03.09.2024, Izmir.

The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) held a rally against the US warship USS Wasp anchored in the port of Izmir, Cumhuriyet wrote on September 2.

According to Savaş Sarı, chairman of the Izmir branch of the TKP, the US warship in the port of Izmir epitomizes Israel’s brutality and shamelessness in Palestine. “The US openly supports Israel and the massacres it commits. Pay no attention to the regular calls for a ceasefire. US imperialism openly wants war in our region,” he said.

Sarı believes that for the wars in the region to stop, the US and NATO armed forces should be expelled from the region. “Turkey and the people of the region must get rid of US and NATO imperialism,” a TKP leader emphasized.

The politician deplored Turkey’s membership in NATO, calling the alliance “the largest and most dangerous terrorist organization.” He complained that the Turkish government attributed the country’s NATO membership to the country’s interests and emphasized that a few days ago, the ruling party “sent Turkish warships with US ships for an undisclosed military exercise in the Eastern Mediterranean.”

On behalf of the rally’s participants, Sari said they would stand in the port until the US warship left Izmir. He called on the city’s governor to take action in this regard, as well as to ban US soldiers from “roaming freely in Izmir.”

On September 2, members of the Turkish Youth Union attacked a US soldier serving on the USS Wasp, standing in the port of Izmir. The young men surrounded the US military man and put a bag over his head, after which they were detained by police.

The US Embassy confirmed the attack and noted that the servicemen were now safe. The diplomatic office thanked the Turkish authorities for quickly intervening and launching an investigation into the incident.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency