Russian military strike the Military Institute of Communications in Poltava during a military line-up

03.09.2024, Poltava.

Military Institute of Communications was hit in Poltava during a military line-up, Rossiyskaya Gazeta wrote on September 3, citing the Pro-Russian underground in Ukraine.

“The institute (military school) of communications (EW and radar) was hit in Poltava. The personnel destroyed. A lot. Many. Preliminarily, the strike was delivered during the line-up. The total number – up to 600,” the statement reads.

The coordinator of the pro-Russian Nikolaev underground Sergey Lebedev said that someone of high importance was hit in Poltava.

“Now cordoned off, ambulances are coming. The explosion was without detonation but very powerful; the curtains flew up,” the coordinator of the underground said .

According to him, an air-ground and a military unit were also hit.

Most likely, the Military College of Non-commissioned Officers of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization, which is located in north-western Poltava. The air-ground itself is located in the immediate vicinity.

Zelensky later confirmed the strike, claiming that at least 41 people were killed and more than 180 wounded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency