Kurginyan tells how the US is organizing a new type of colonialism

03.09.2024, Moscow.

The US sanctions suffocate the Latin American countries with their resource-based economy, and they promote migration of the active part of these countries to the US where these people are easier governed, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 9 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

As soon as they are suffocated with sanctions – and sanctions are nothing but an absolutely new type of global colonialism, which is even uglier because it speculates about democracy, you see? As soon as sanctions are imposed, they are trapped. They need to develop their oil sector and to invest in it. They need equipment and everything else, they need money. But they lack even funds to overcome poverty,” the leader of Essence of Time explained.

Kurginyan stressed that this results in a division between the countries, and the essence of this division is migration.

The United States is close. Here, you can listen about Bolívar, his revolution etc. while barely keeping body and soul together. And if you are swift enough, what can you do? You will get going to become an illegal migrant in the United States. There, even if you have to wash floors, you have a better life,” he said.

He explained that further it brings what happened in Ukraine and in Uzbekistan: migrant workers become the basis of the budget.

They send their money back. Everyone talks about oil, but what about migrant workers? And there are plenty of them. They vote appropriately, and they are already getting stronger there. They are much easier to govern than when they are on their territory,” the political scientist stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency