Hungary expects Germany to join its fight with Brussels

02.09.2024, Budapest.

Germany should join Hungary in its fight against the migration policy of Brussels, said the head of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyas, the Magyar Nemzet newspaper wrote on September 2.

Gulyas spoke at a press conference, answering questions about Hungary’s relations with Germany. He said that the political situation in the world, Europe, and specifically in Germany, drastically changed, and the authorities should pay attention to it. The Hungarian politician commented on the election results in Thuringia and Saxony. A significant part of the electorate voted for parties that expressed strong opposition to the EU’s migration policy.

“Hungary does not want to directly interfere in the internal politics of any country, but at the same time, it follows the political developments in the strongest state in Europe and is interested in having a stable government in Germany. From this point of view, we are witnessing the beginning of a new era, as support for the ruling parties in the two eastern provinces has been minimized, the three parties combined do not reach 14 percent and in Thuringia even barely reach 10 percent,” Gulyas said.

The Hungarian politician explained that if his country stops protecting its borders the way it does now, the flow of illegal migrants will flow primarily to Germany.

“That’s why we hope that this election result will encourage the reasonable German politics to help Hungary in its struggle with Brussels to maintain effective Schengen border protection,” Gulyas said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency