Kurginyan explains what contributed to the success of the Ukrainian army in Kursk Region

31.08.2024, Minsk.

The Ukrainian army was able to achieve success in Kursk Region in part because Russia had spent the previous 30 years cultivating a mindset focused on a peaceful and “relaxed” life, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on August 21 on the Obyektivno program on the Belarusian ONT channel.

Sergey Kurginyan explained that all Russian resources were directed towards supporting the military on the frontline. Meanwhile, a mobilization regime was not established on territories that were not on the frontline.

“Everything was directed there [to the front line], both from the perspective of the ministries and agencies themselves – e.g. the Russian Defense Ministry – and from the perspective of volunteer activities. Territories not on the front line, our own territories, were living in a state of potential minor troubles, but not in a mobilization regime,” Essence of Time’s leader explained.

Sergey Kurginyan explained that military units located behind the frontline lacked combat experience, and their equipment with critical equipment and technology (such as electronic warfare systems, drones, etc.) was significantly inferior to that of the units on the frontline.

At the same time, the political scientist noted that there were other factors that contributed to the success of the Ukrainian army in Kursk Region. He emphasized the importance of these factors and the need to study them and take appropriate measures.

Sergey Kurginyan pointed out that when large enemy armed groups make a breakthrough and it goes unnoticed, it indicates that “intelligence and everything happening on Russia’s territory is not up to par.”

“And how could it [intelligence] be up to par when for the past 30 years it was said that Russia would live in peace, that the army was needed only to deal with terrorist or minor regional conflicts, that there would be no major wars, that all of that was in the past, and that we would generally be friends with everyone? This demagnetization lasted 30 years, and it can’t be reversed in 10 months,” the political scientist explained, adding that one should put an end to this ‘relaxed’ life.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency