Kurginyan: The US does not care about free elections

29.08.2024, Moscow.

Every time the USA wants to recognize the candidate it needs in any elections abroad, and it is not interested at all in free elections, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 9 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

According to Kurginyan, many countries have refused to recognize the outcome of the elections in Venezuela, and some countries, like Brazil, took a very cautious stance. He also noted that it is not true that no one recognized the outcome of the elections; it was recognized by Russia, Cuba, and other states, so a total blockade of the elections in Venezuela has failed.

The political scientist stressed that the US is not interested at all in any free elections: the situation in Peru is indicative, where “democracy is really poor, but no one cares.”

An increasing cynicism around the fact that no one at all is interested in freedom of elections is a global thing. We say ‘a’ meaning ‘b,’ and the distance between ‘a’ and ‘b’ keeps growing. I could imagine that back in say 1950s or 1930s some people were ready to die for democracy and that some people passionately wanted to ensure justice and that elections went properly. What the US demonstrates today has nothing to do with that,” Kurginyan said.

According to him, this is an ultimate cynicism on the part of the USA: every time it recognizes an ultra-rightist candidate that is good for the USA while refusing to recognize a leftist candidate no matter how many votes he gets.

If Maduro received 90% of votes, the shouting about election fake would have been even louder. This is of absolutely no interest to the USA. And this is already clear to the world: everyone knew beforehand that the elections would not be recognized. Even in this sense, it was not interesting to watch what was going on there,” Kurginyan explained.

At the presidential elections in Venezuela that took place on August 4, Nicolás Maduro, the current president, won with over 51% of votes. According to opposition members, they refused to acknowledge the official outcome as they were sure their candidate Edmundo González won. The opposition candidate’s victory was supported in the USA, in the EU, and a number of Latin American countries. The opposition candidate’s victory is allegedly supported by irrefutable evidence, which no one wants to publicize.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency