Kurginyan reveals what the USA is preparing in Europe against Russia

28.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

While talking about a “forthcoming Russian attack on Europe,” the West is actually preparing something that indicates either a limited nuclear war or a prolonged land war, with increasing involvement of third parties in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan stated this on July 26 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

Outlining the topic, the analyst posed the question: why is the entire European and Western world currently, on the one hand, talking about a “truce” in Ukraine and on the other, intensifying the development of conventional weapons and striving to enhance their land forces?

“I have read all these documents on doctrines. The doctrines state that if a war with the West occurs, it will immediately become nuclear. It will be fast and nuclear, not like the war in Ukraine. So, is the conflict in Ukraine a model for some larger land war? What about Poland, which is already spending 4% [of GDP] and wants to spend 6-7% – is this ‘Ukraine 2.0’? Should Baltic states join as well? What exactly is the USA preparing in Europe against Russia?” Kurginyan elaborated on the topic.

He posed a question of where these investments are coming from and why new arms facilities and plants are being constructed in Europe.

“They are not being built for just a year or two! If everyone is preparing for peace in Ukraine, why are these new facilities, which will be equipped with machinery producing artillery shells and tanks – who plans to move produced military hardware? In what war, other than the Ukrainian one?” Essence of Time’s leader noted.

Commenting further on the topic, the analyst quoted US Republican vice presidential nominee James D. Vance, who commented on the predictions of several Western politicians that Russia would attack Europe and “march all the way to Berlin or Paris” by saying that “this doesn’t make any sense.” Such predictions which do not make sense are not accidental, Kurginyan emphasized.

“This is not accidental nonsense, right? It means something is being prepared that should indicate either a limited nuclear war or prolonged land war with increasing involvement of others besides Ukraine. With extreme militarization of Ukraine and the involvement of someone else, all while avoiding a large-scale strategic nuclear war. And none of the doctrines mention this!” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency