Kurginyan: Maduro was ready to leave if he lost the elections

29.08.2024, Moscow.

The re-elected president of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro wanted to hold really democratic elections in his country, and he was ready to leave if he lost, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 9 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

Maduro holds the elections. He wants to hold them, he has an internal attitude that he could leave,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

He noted that he does no know whether ex-president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez had such an attitude, as he was more talented, more brilliant, more assertive, and more strategic than Maduro.

Maduro is a sort of relatively centrist-moderate-anti-Western (instead of Chávez’ radical approach) attitude. Maduro is a smoothened version of Chávez,” the political scientist noted.

Sergey Kurginyan stressed that Chávez was really brilliant and that he strongly promoted the idea that Venezuela would become a leader of entire Latin America with a new model of socialism. Maduro pursues a different policy.

Maduro dramatically sweeps all that under the rug to improve relations with everyone he can for Venezuela to survive, and he demonstrates a pragmatic approach in his policy, having a strong intention to count all those ballots,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

He remembered his visit to Armenia in the period when Demirchyan was a candidate there.

When I arrived, I asked the opponents one thing. ‘What kind of problems do you have with counting the votes?’ I said, ‘Have you ever had 120% turnout at a polling station?’ – ‘Anything can happen here.’ – ‘And what about OSCE?’ – ‘The OSCE man is drunk on the floor.’ – ‘But do you have any problems?’ – ‘Our problem is how to stuff so much paper into the ballot box’. This is what some democratic politicians of 1996-1007 told me,” the political scientist said.

According to Kurginyan, Maduro is something absolutely different. Maduro “is a desire to establish some order and a total readiness to wipe the sweat from his forehead and leave if the order is against him.” The political scientist notes that it is a lie that Maduro wants to remain at power by any means.

At the presidential elections in Venezuela that took place on August 4, Nicolás Maduro, the current president, won with almost 52% of votes. The opposition candidate Edmundo González had 43%. According to opposition members, they refused to acknowledge the official outcome as they were sure their candidate won. The opposition candidate’s victory was supported in the USA, in the EU, and a number of Latin American countries. The opposition candidate’s victory is allegedly supported by irrefutable evidence, which no one wants to publicize.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency