Kurginyan: US Republicans want Russia’s disintegration no less than US Democrats

28.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The stereotype that Russia will be able to establish a dialogue with US Republicans because they, unlike the completely inhumane Democrats, still maintain a connection to conservative values is erroneous, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan stated in an interview with the BelTA TV channel on July 13.

According to the analyst, certain groups in Russia believe that Russia should seek common ground with Republican forces in the USA based on the conservative values they defend in their struggle against the contemporary US Democrats, who are considered the epitome of “postmodernist insanity.”

“These US Democrats are scum, they have become entirely inhumane: perverts, lunatics, completely fascist and anti-human people. The filth of postmodernist insanity is already spreading among them. But those [US Republicans], they are more decent. They refer to Christianity in this way or another, they still adhere conservative values, they more humanlike. And so they might create some connections here <…> in some way,” the political scientist explained the viewpoint of part of the Russian society and elite.

However, the philosopher notes that such uniting is impossible since US Republicans view Russia only as a country defeated in the Cold War. According to the political scientist, only a new victory could influence this perception of Russia.

“In this sense, they interpret the Ukrainian events in a very specific way – as the restoration of the [Russian] empire. Kissinger supposedly said, ‘Better to drawn the world in blood than to restore the empire’,” Kurginyan explained.

According to Essence of Time’s leader, US Republicans have always consistently aimed at a coup following the Pinochet model in relations with Russia, followed by establishing confederation and then the actual dismemberment of the country. In addition, US Republicans will also demand that Russia support them in their confrontation with China.

“I also have an impression that then it comes to a demand ‘you should stand with us and fight our enemies – and we’ll throw you scraps from the master’s table,” the political scientist explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency