Kurginyan: China perceives the conflict in Ukraine as an alternative to war in Taiwan

27.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Despite all the Western sanctions, China significantly benefits from the conflict in Ukraine, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 11 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

The political analyst pointed out that Western sanctions have allowed China to buy Russian raw materials at discount prices. In addition, Russia and China create an alliance based on the topic of nuclear and other weapons, and a dialog between North Korea and Russia is gradually being established.

But, according to Essence of Time’s leader, China’s major gain is the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is an alternative to war in Taiwan

“Do you really think that Xi Jinping doesn’t want the war in Ukraine? Does he want to replace it with a war in Taiwan? He himself may dream of starting it at a favorable moment, but he doesn’t want to be driven into a corner there. For any national leader, it is better that those in Europe will shed their blood but not his compatriots with the threat of a world war in which he will be involved… He doesn’t want to become a scapegoat after all,” the political analyst said.

According to Kurginyan, for the Chinese government, the conflict in Ukraine, as well as the war in the Gaza Strip, are contenders for the role of the “major war of the 21st century,” which would otherwise be the war in Taiwan, which could cost China dearly.

Essence of Time’s leader noted that in this sense, Xi Jinping is trying to prevent Donald Trump from returning to power in the United States, as the latter is capable of eliminating all other ongoing global conflicts, except for the China-Taiwan conflict, thus moving the decisive battle to China’s borders.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency