Former Russian Prime Minister: Russia will change greatly once the special military operation in Ukraine is completed

25.08.2024, Moscow.

Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine will change the sense of self-determination and self-awareness of the people in Russia, said former Russian Prime Minister Sergey Stepashin in a commentary to TASS on August 25.

What can I say? I believe that after all these difficult and dramatic events such as the collapse of the USSR, a proxy war with the State Department in Ukraine, which is a tragedy, – we will have a new country that had changed for the better, Stepashin said.

According to him, the special military operation will ultimately bring a cultural change in Russia.

He also spoke about the importance of the military servicemen participating in SMO becoming the country’s new elite.

“This is our country, these are our new heroes. Today, it is very important what we — I mean the state, the government, the president — do for these people, so that when everything is over – they do not disappear, they are involved, so that they are honored not only for medals on their jackets and uniforms, but because they are active participants in our political life, Stepashin believes.

The Western plan to organize a “Maidan” in Russia did not work, although exactly this was expected after the military action started, noted the former prime minister. The West planned that the Russian president would be overthrown, as it happened in Ukraine in 2014.

A similar plan to overthrow the president of Belarus failed because Aleksandr Lukashenko “did not chicken out,” Stepashin noted. He pointed out that former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich did not prevent the tragedy in his country and did not possess similar decisiveness.

If Yanukovich had not chickened out, then there would not be any conflict now, Stepashin said.

Stepashin stated that the special military operation in Ukraine had become a full-fledged war with NATO.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency