UK and France planned to attack the USSR in 1940

24.08.2024, Moscow.

According to declassified documents published by the Russian Presidential Library, in early 1940, the United Kigdom and France planned to attack the USSR from the territory of Finland and the Caucasus, as well as to create a “national Russian government,” RIA Novosti wrote on August 24.

This information was obtained by Soviet intelligence and transmitted to the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Kliment Voroshilov, in January 1940.

As evidenced by the published report, the Anglo-French Supreme War Council, which included Prime Ministers Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier, developed a plan to attack the USSR, which involved creating a coalition with neutral countries and striking from the north and south. A history professor from the University of Innsbruck noted that this decision was made against the backdrop of the Soviet-Finnish war and was accompanied by an anti-Soviet campaign in the Western media.

Moreover, the declassified documents indicate attempts by the UK and France to shift the responsibility for starting World War II onto the Soviet Union, which is confirmed by plans to release the so-called “Blue Book.” However, these plans were not implemented due to Germany’s successful actions in the West in 1940 and the end of the war between the USSR and Finland in March of the same year.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency