PMC FOG refuses to comment on its involvement in the attack on Kursk region

21.08.2024, Moscow.

The American private military company Forward Observation Group (FOG) officially ignored Russian media inquiries regarding its involvement in the attack on Kursk region, the company’s press service reported on August 21.

The PMC representatives referred to the ban of the Security Service of Ukraine to comment on such issues.

Earlier, photos of FOG fighters near Kursk region appeared in social networks, which caused a wide resonance.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reacted harshly to information about the participation of the US private military company Forward Observation Group in the attack on the Kursk region. The Foreign Ministry said that such actions confirm direct US involvement in the conflict in Ukraine and make the mercenaries a legitimate military target.

Earlier in social networks appeared convincing evidence of the presence of fighters of the private military company Forward Observation Group on the territory of the Kursk region. A photo published on the FOG page in Instagram (organization banned in Russia), captured three armed men in military uniforms with distinctive identification marks against the background of armored vehicles. The geolocation of the photo clearly indicates the place of action.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency