Kurginyan: The West has to defeat Russia to bring China to heel

19.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The West has to defeat Russia in order to let China know that any country can be defeated, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on July 16 in an interview to Belarusian channel BelTA.

As soon as the West realized that China was its geopolitical “gravedigger,” the elites faced a challenge to bring such an enemy to heel not only politically. According to the philosopher, the West needs a sort of an “anaconda” to suffocate China all around.

Where should the ‘anaconda’ be? In Russia. Where is the longest border? There. Do the Russians refuse to fight China? They refuse. Even under Yeltsin they refused. And they are unlikely to agree under any authorities. Therefore, they have to be defeated to show everyone else that if the Russians are defeated everyone will be,” Kurginyan said.

According to the leader of Essence of Time, after the Russians are defeated the West will face no difficulties to bring China to heel using not only Russia but also India, Vietnam, Japan etc. After that, it will establish an oligarchic order on these territories without any sign of competition or caprices of their populations.

According to the political scientist, the Western elites cannot escape from this process as this is their only chance to keep and strengthen their domination in the world. The philosopher noted that statements like “let us strengthen the USA first” or “let us make a maneuver in Europe to focus on China” are only variations within their invariable strategic plan.

They (the USA – Rossa Primavera News Agency) cannot establish any balanced world. They cannot become simply a very large country, the second or the third one. They will immediately collapse. They have carriers, put it tentatively, missiles… and the printing press. The printing press must sell dollars to the world, and the carriers must explain that anyone who refuses to take them… will be massacred. This is something they cannot give up,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

According to the analyst, the conflict in Ukraine was organized by the Western elites, who call it “the Russian pot.” The political scientist believes that the USA has successfully used this conflict to bring Europe to heel and to destroy the alliance between Russia and Germany that is so dangerous to it.

They have deployed ultimate troops there, and they have frightened everyone with this enemy. Their capitalization is going due to this enemy. Why would they cancel it?” Kurginyan explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency