Kurginyan: The British will never forgive the Americans for ruining their Empire

19.08.2024, Moscow.

The US as a former colony hates the UK, and the British hate the Americans for ruining the British Empire, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on July 6 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

According to Kurginyan, the USA in the period prior to the elections are in a condition of high internal turbulence, where everyone defends their own interests, and there are no stable constants. Host Dmitry Kulikov noted that the UK suffers from turbulence, too, due to their parliamentary elections, although without a public fight; according to him, ‘crocodiles are fighting under the carpet,’ i.e. in a hidden manner.

Kurginyan told that certain peculiarities in the relations between the USA and the UK are well known to experts, but for some reason they have not become an axiom for the public.

No one hates the British as much as the Americans do. This is quite natural for a country that used to be a colony struggling for freedom. Why the hell did it fight for freedom? This is naturally a country of migrants who traveled there for a reason. ‘Farewell, dirty Britain, a country of slaves and masters,’” the political scientist explained.

According to him, the deepest and most toxic conflict is the hatred of the US elite towards the UK. And the British, in their turn, hate the Americans.

No one in the UK will ever forgive Roosevelt and the Americans for the collapse of their empire,” Kurginyan added.

The political scientist referred to the words of witnesses to those events, and he said that Churchill literally begged Roosevelt on his knees to prevent the collapse in India and the collapse of the Empire on the whole.

And the answer was that the Empire must fail. And it was ruined by the Americans. Do not they remember this? They remember all this. Meanwhile, ‘strategic partnership,’ ‘the primary ally,’” the leader of Essence of Time concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency