Kurginyan: Caucasus never lived better than under the Russians

19.08.2024, Moscow.

Under the Russians, it was not too good in Armenia, but it is very bad under anyone else, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on July 6 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

In Armenia, they believe that they lived not too well in the Soviet period. The political scientist asked: when did they live better?

They had everything, all those Aragants, Amramtsumyan, Mergelyan. They had everything. And what do they have now except for their dukhans and national humiliation? Therefore, the idea is that it was not perfectly comfortable under the Russians, but not comfortable at all under anyone else,” Kurginyan said.

According to the political scientist, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan or any other country that formerly was part of the USSR must understand this.

Kurginyan noted that Azerbaijan pandering to Turkey must answer a number of questions: does it want to become part of Turan? What will be Iran’s stance towards such an integration? And the most important question is: will it benefit from becoming part of Turan?

The answers to these questions are not simple, but they must be admitted. When a call to become part of Turan for Azerbaijan transforms into coercion, and this will happen in a few years, everything will become absolutely different.

The political scientist believes that an extremely complicated geopolitical composition is being built now, which contains plenty of unclear issues.

They Russians lost themselves, and they lost the vision of an empire, which, first of all, has to be loved, which must be built on love, on a symphony, on certain wholistic basis. They lost their mega-trend in the world, and now they are painfully restoring it. It cannot be easily restored after 35 years,” Kurginyan said.

The philosopher believes that what is gone cannot be restored quickly, but we must be restoring, and restoring, and restoring it every day, in culture, in humanities, and in economy. And only after we regain our vision of empire we will understand each other.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency