Russian Presidential Aide: NATO prepares to contain Russia by increasing its presence in the Black Sea

17.08.2024, Moscow.

NATO plans to increase its presence in the Black Sea in defiance of the Montreux Convention, said Russian Presidential Aide Nikolay Patrushev on August 16 in an interview with Izvestia.

“The West is actively implementing a strategy to encircle Russia, including in the Black Sea. To increase their influence in the World Ocean, the US and its allies are ignoring or trying to revise other international agreements,” Patrushev said.

The Montreux Convention, adopted in 1936, allows merchant ships to freely navigate through the straits in peacetime and wartime, but establishes specific navigation regimes.

According to the convention, warships that do not belong to Black Sea countries cannot stay in the Black Sea for more than three weeks, and in case of emergency, passage through specific straits can be closed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency