“Abnormalities” in drinking water at the Cologne-Van airbase may be caused by sabotage

15.08.2024, Berlin.

The detection of “abnormalities” in drinking water at the Cologne-Wan airbase may be the result of sabotage against the Bundeswehr, the German Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland wrote on August 14, citing security sources.

It is reported that “abnormal parameters” were found in drinking water samples at the Cologne-Wan airbase. Several people reported symptoms of poisoning, and police sealed the barracks off over a wide area. According to the investigation’s version, the excess of toxic substances may be the result of sabotage, and water sampling has already been carried out.

The barracks of the airbase houses several units of the Bundeswehr, as well as the air defense unit responsible for the travel of members of the Cabinet of Ministers and senior government officials.

According to the source, the chairman of the defense committee, Marcus Faber, expects MPs to be informed about the events at the federal base in Cologne-Wahn as soon as some specific information becomes available.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency