Russian military thwart Ukraine’s breakthrough attempts in Kursk Region

13.08.2024, Moscow.

Russian forces in Kursk Region have thwarted attempts by the Ukrainian armed units to break through in the vicinity of several settlements, the Russian Defense Ministry informs on August 13.

“Russian military in Kursk Region thwarted enemy breakthrough attempts near the settlements of Obshchiy Kolodez, Snagost, Kauchuk, and Alekseyevsky,” the statement reads.

It is noted that during the moping up of the village of Ozerki, up to 15 Ukrainian militants were killed, four Stryker armored personnel carriers were destroyed, and six Ukrainian militants were captured.

It is specified that Ukrainian losses in the Kursk direction amounted to up to 420 nationalists and 55 units of armored vehicles over the past day.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency