Finnish Prime Minister comments on idea of opening the border with Russia

02.08.2024, Helsinki.

Currently, there are no opportunities to open the border with Russia, said Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo in an interview published on August 2 by the newspaper Iltalehti.

“At the moment, I still believe that there are no possibilities for opening,” the politician stated.

He noted that he is skeptical about the idea of opening checkpoints on the border with Russia. For this to happen, Helsinki must be assured that Moscow is “ready to cooperate under the previous model,” meaning that only people with the necessary documents would cross the border, emphasized the prime minister.

Finnish authorities accused Russia of sending asylum seekers to its border. Since November, Helsinki has been introducing restrictions at the border. Eventually, the passage of people from Russia was closed entirely.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova refuted all accusations, stating that claims about Moscow’s involvement in the EU migration crisis are Western double standards.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency