Putin suggests to create a common scientific space within the framework of the CIS and BRICS

01.08.2024, Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government to develop proposals for creating a common scientific and technological space within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and BRICS, the presidential administration’s press service wrote on July 30 on the Kremlin’s official Internet portal.

On June 13, 2024, the Council on Science and Education, as well as a meeting of the leader of the state with leading scientists and recipients of major scientific grants, took place. A list of instructions given by Putin following these events has been published.

In particular, the Russian government is instructed to “take into account the instructions given earlier to submit proposals for the creation of a common scientific and technological space within the Commonwealth of Independent States and the interstate association BRICS.” The instruction must be fulfilled by November 1, 2024.

The Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Union State of Russia and Belarus was adopted in 2024. It envisages the construction of a common scientific and technological space for both countries. On June 13, at Putin’s meeting with leading Russian and foreign scientists, Vice President of the Kurchatov Institute Aleksandr Blagov proposed extending this mechanism to the CIS and BRICS countries.

Blagov said that the International Association of Scientific Organizations “Center for Synchrotron, Neutron and Laser Research”, which includes scientific organizations of Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Iran, was established on the basis of the Kurchatov Institute. Agreements have been reached to include Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and the international organization “Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” in the Center. Scientists proposed to consolidate these processes at the interstate level and announce Russia’s initiative to create a common scientific and technological space within the CIS and BRICS.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency