Russian military begins third stage of non-strategic nuclear force exercises

31.07.2024, Moscow.

Russia launched the third stage of the non-strategic nuclear forces exercise, the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry said on July 31.

“In accordance with the decision of the Russian President, the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun,” the ministry’s Telegram channel informed.

According to the published information, during the third stage of the exercise, the training of Russian Armed Forces units for combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be practiced.

In particular, the aviation units of the Russian Air Force will practice “equipping special warheads with aviation weapons of destruction and sorties to designated patrol areas.”

The missile units of the Southern and Central Military Districts will also practice receiving special training munitions for the Iskander-M missile defense system, installing them on launch vehicles and moving covertly to designated areas to conduct electronic launches.

The Russian Defense Ministry pointed out that these exercises are aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of the relevant units of the Russian Armed Forces to fulfill combat missions.

The first stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces was held in May, and the second in June. Units of the Southern and Leningrad Military Districts and units of the Russian Air Force and Navy participated in these exercises.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency