Kurginyan describes Cuba’s attitude toward tragedy of the Soviet Union’s disintegration

30.07.2024, Moscow.

Many countries perceive the disintegration of the USSR as an immense tragedy and loss, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on June 29 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

The political scientist referred to negotiations with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in post-Soviet times, when several Russian businessmen tried to discuss profitable business with him, appealing to the legacy of the Soviet Union.

The analyst said that the Cuban leader then responded to the businessmen, “The Soviet Union was the holiest power in the world. There has never been a holier and better state in the world. Cuba remembers it as its dream and its god.” After a pause, Castro continued, “But there is no Soviet Union anymore, and don’t you dare speculate on that relationship, but let’s discuss market prices for sugar.”

Sergey Kurginyan added that this sense of loss has a great bitterness and pain that cannot be forgotten or put aside. It is a great blessing that Russia has turned towards the Soviet past with a positive attitude and has “completely and utterly broken with the West, becoming in fact its main enemy.”

The political scientist emphasized that Russia and its elite do not yet have a sense of the situation as the ultimate existential threat, and therefore, the war is still felt as “something being fought out there.” This attitude is an attempt to preserve elements of the previous life, combining them with a new course.

Kurginyan is convinced that such an attempt to preserve the previous life is not compatible with the growing US aggression, as evidenced by the strikes on Russian cities, particularly the missile strikes on the beaches in Sevastopol.

“Russia is currently witnessing a fight between the neurosis of well-being, which is called ‘everything is covered in chocolate,’ with the survival instinct. And I trust that the survival instinct will win,” Essence of Time’s leader concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency